![]() Gradska Galeija, Pula, Kroatien29. November - 31. Januar 2023Fotos der Ausstellung![]() ![]() Wir laden herzlich ein zum AusstellungsRundgang Max Neumann „ ... neue Arbeiten“ Freitag, den 23.10.2020 v o n 1 6 : 0 0 -2 0 : 0 0 U h r G al e r i e A C N o f f k e DEPENDANCE HÜ X S T R A ß E 7 2 LÜBECK TE L : 0 4 5 1 7 0 9 9 7 7 6 6 MO B I L : 0 1 5 7 7 9 6 0 1 9 3 6
IN SANTINIKETANYou are cordially invited to the opening of
![]() Max Neumann turns the human figure into an abstract symbol, reducing his compositions to their pure essence. His faceless heads and bodies constitute a leitmotif of the artist's work, a subject that carries tremendous weight despite their spare detail and placement in a rootless space. He draws from memory, dreamlike fragmented recollections reduced to the outline, shape and shadows of the originals. Neumann has constructed a visual vocabulary born from innumerable sources, including picture magazines, newspapers, and other media. He works primarily with black, but splashes of colour sometimes make their appearance into his paintings and drawings, suggesting a deeper meaning. The artist leaves the viewer to fill in the gaps and construct imaginary narratives, as his compositions exist outside of time and space. With their bareness, Neumann's paintings possess an emotive power that is remarkably real, yet entirely inferred. Born in 1949 in Saarbruck, Germany, Neumann studied art in Kalsruhe and later at the University of Fine Arts in Berlin. He has been the recipient of many awards including the BDI (Germany Industry Federation), the Villa Romana Award, the Dr. Dietrich Schluz Foundation Award, the Award of the City of Iserlohn, and the Grand Prix de S.A.S. le Prince Rainer III of Monaco. In 2012, he had his first solo exhibition in New York. Since the late 1970s, the artist has had more than 150 solo exhibitions internationally, including at the Museum Folkwang, Essen; Saarlandmuseum, Saarbruck; the Centre d'Art Plastiques, Royan; Espace d'Art Contemporain André Malraux, Colmar; Gallery Vidal-Saint Phalle, Paris; Gallery Stefan Röpke, Cologne; Gallery Pascal Polar, Brussels; Mimmo Scognamiglio Arte Contemporanea, Milan; Galería Arnés y Röpke, Madrid; Gallery Georg Nothelfer, Berlin and Satani Gallery, Tokyo. His works are in numerous public and private collections such as the Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin; The Museum Folkwag, Essen; Museo de Bellas Artes, Oviedo; Hamburger Kunsthalle; Fondation Maeght, St. Paul de Vence; and the Seibu Museum, Tokyo. Max Neumann lives and works in Berlin. This is his first exhibition in India. Seagull Books has published his work in Self-Portrait of An Other, text by Cees Nooteboom and images by Max Neumann. On the occasion of the exhibition in Calcutta, February 2019, Poetry and Time featuring images by Max Neumann and text by Joachim Sartorius was released. Bionote from: http://www.brucesilverstein.com/artists/max-neumann INDIAN EXPRESS lesen ![]() ![]() ![]() B R U C E...S I L V E R S T E I N...G A L L E R Y, New YorkArtikel in The Brooklyn Rail by Will Fenstermakerl MUSÉE ![]() Einladung Ausstellung ansehen OCULA art berlin 2018 Galerie Levy, Hamburg - Stand 3B1 Flughafen Tempelhof, Hangar 5 und 6 POSITIONS Berlin 2018 Galerie Schwarz, Greifswald - Stand B14 Flughafen Tempelhof, Hangar 4 The Armory Show B E R N A R D...V I D A L - N A T H A L I E...B E R T O U X...art contemporain 65, rue de Turenne 75003 Paris 11. März bis 1. April 2017 Website ![]() ![]() Gallerie Boisserée Drususgasse 7-11, 50667 Köln 14. April bis 21. Mai 2016 Website ![]() The Armory Show 3. - 6. März 2016 Bruce Silverstein Gallery, New York Pier 94, Booth 855 Website Galerie Art Espace83 83 av du 11 Novembre 17000 La Rochelle 5. Februar bis 25. März 2016 ![]() G A L E R I E...V I D A L - S A I N T...P H A L L E 10. rue du Trésor, 75004 Paris 2. April bis 13. Mai 2015 ![]() G A L E R I E...S C H W A R Z Website ![]() ![]() Website The Armory Show, March 5 - 8, 2015 Website B R U C E...S I L V E R S T E I N...G A L L E R Y
New Works January 8 through February 21, 2015 535 West 24th Street, New York View ![]() ![]() November 11 - Dezember 19, 2014 Osterfeldstraße 6, Hamburg Website G A L E R I E...X E N O N September 11 - November 8, 2014 16 ter rue Ferrère, Bordeaux ![]() ARCO Madrid February 19-23, 2014 Galerie Stefan Röpke Fotos G A L E R I E...V I D A L - S A I N T...P H A L L E January 25 - March 18, 2014 10, rue du Trésor, 75004 Paris ![]() G A L E R I E...S T E F A N...R Ö P K E > Order June 13-16, 2013 Bruce Silverstein Gallery, New York Hall 2.0 / D3 Website ![]() G A L E R I E...C L A I R E F O N T A I N E 7, Place de Clairefontaine, 1341 Luxemburg May 02 - June 06 www.galerie-clairefontaine.lu ![]() The Armory Show Mar 07, 2013 - Mar 10, 2013 Bruce Silverstein, New York View ARCO Madrid February 13 - 17, 20213 Gallery Röpke and Levy M I M M O...S C O G N A M I G L I O...A R T E C O N T E M P O R A N E A Via Giovanni Ventura, 6, 20134 Milan January 30 - March 20, 2013 www.mimmoscognamiglio.com |